Deep Breath is an ambiant platformer, where we tried to reproduce some aspects of schizophrenia where you go deeper and deeper into hallucinations! We're really proud of our musics and our layer system. 

We truly hope you'll like it, and make it to the end as there is an happy ending!(and sorry the game is harder than we thought)!

The game can be finished in around 10 minutes but is pretty hard...

UPDATE : After a good night of sleep and a couple of hours of debugging, we are releasing a corrected version of the build! As specified in the rulebook, we only corrected some near-gamebreaking bugs or things that were there but not showing for some reason... No extra content/mechanics were added.

What's been corrected:

- Realignment of some platforms/enemies

- Dialogs with PNJ now correctly displayed

- End cutscene is now correctly triggered

End notes:

All assets, codes, visuals, musics and sounds were created by us during the Jam, with the exception of two text fonts: 

- MadJoe by 160 Studio -

- OpenDyslexic -

Our team: We are Andzura, Heo, Saltysa and Scratch! We pretty much shared most of the work without clear distinctions, except:

- Saltysa did all the visuals

- Andzura did the cool-as-hell disturbing remix of Scratch's song

- Heo taught us everything about Git and its complexity (and we didn't listened... Sorry Heo!)

- Scratch cooked (mostly, and with the help of the others, but it was his recipes)


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Ludum dare page for the game :